Author: Robert ENB Series
File Size: 7.66 MB
Category: ENB Series
Hello,this is ENB by Robert for GTA San Andreas V6.This ENB is 100% compatible with SA-MP. I made this version different from the others ENB and maybe you will not like it, its all about the tastes...If you dont like this type of ENB, try V5, is a different ENB
New in V6:
-Completely reworked the timecyc(Now the sky will be always foggy because only with this weather I can make something ''realistic'' for this game
-You will have 5-8 less FPS than V5
-New sharpness effect.
-New Reflections(I made 2 versions, one if you use modded cars and one if you use original cars)
-New Bloom Effect
-Completely reworked the colors.
-New ENB Pallete
RO:Salut,acesta este ENB by Robert for GTA San Andreas V6.Acest ENB e 100% compatibil cu SA-MP. Am facut aceasta versiune diferita fata de celalalte enb-uri si s-ar putea sa nu va placa, totul tine de gusturi....Daca nu va place acest tip de ENB, incercati V6, e complet diferit.
Nou in V6:
-Timecyc refacut complet( Acum cerul va fii mereu innorat deoarece doar cu aceasta vreme poti face ceva cat de cat ''realistic''
-O sa aveti cu 5-8 fps mai putin fata de celalalte versiuni, e facut pt PC-uri mai bune
-Un effect care adauga o claritate sporita a imaginii
-Noi Reflectii(Am facut 2 versiuni, una daca folositi masini modate si una daca folositi masini originale)
-Nou efect Bloom
-Refacute culorile
-Noua Paleta ENB